XXL Smokey Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal
  • XXL Smokey Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal

XXL Smokey Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal

XXL Smoky Quartz Phi Crystal. Description by author La Vie

This XXL smoky quartz phi crystal ensures privacy. He builds up an energetic protective shield around the user.
Perfect for finding yourself or keeping your balance. The XXL smoky quartz Phi crystal is connected with the magic of water lily leaves.
He should only be attuned to one user in order to be able to build up perfect protection.
Author La Vie

24 Facets 
Weight ca. 352 g 
Length ca. 124 mm 
Diameter ca. 38 - 49 mm


XXL Smokey Quartz Phi Crystal 

Very clear cutted 24 Facet Phi Crystal

The Phi Crystal is a Smokey quartz quartz makes the Opaque Transparent again.
He is with 352 g a huge Smokey quartz Phi crystal which can be used for almost all applications. The Phi Crystal Smokey quartz is a clear, pure quartz, which 2 gorgeous, visible inclusions has and carries many beautiful phantoms in itself (see photos and video's).
It is a beautiful and energetically clear Smokey quartz Phi Crystal in his charisma and shape.
The Phi Crystal Smokey quartz is a great and powerful Phi crystal with 352 g.

Smoky quartz is said to have the following attributes;

  1. Helpful so that the fog slowly clears again,
  2. solves internal stresses
  3. is a classic anti-stress crystal
  4. helps when you need energy to recharge yourself
  5. increases total exercise tolerance, so that you can overcome resistance with self confidence.

This double terminated Smoky Quartz Phi crystal with 24 facets is cleaned and charged and ready for use.
You get exactly this Phi Crystal, as pictured.


Extraction is a shamanic healing treatment that refers to the physical plane.
Shamanic extraction means an energetic cleaning of the client's energy body by sucking out tug, Intimidate or other shamanic activities.
The offered Phi Crystals are excellent for the extraction of shamans. It is very important to note in this context that not everyone is able to perform a shamanic healing session for yourself.

Phi Crystals integrate the profound energies of clear quartz with sacred geometry 12 through 144 facets of the extraction wand. The extraction wand is ideally suited for work in healing, manifestation, meditation and extraction.
The wider, larger end of the Phi Crystal extraction wand is the female receptive end.
Phi Crystal extraction wands are exquisite and extraordinary instruments for energy work, are very energetic and provide an intense concentration and amplification of focused energy. These are very delicate and very elegant instruments.

24 Facet Phi Crystal

The 24 facet phi crystal is a wonderful heart opener. With 24 facets, twice as much light energy flows through the phi crystal as through a 12 facet phi crystal. The 24 facet phi crystal has the same attributes as the 12 facet phi crystal and the following:

  1. works on the level of human nature
  2. 12 initializes the awakening of man on the material and conscious levels
  3. stands for strength
  4. stands for will
  5. stands for endurance
  6. stands for transformation
  7. strengthens the desire for understanding
  8. activates and harmonizes the 12 DNA strands
  9. accesses the 12 electromagnetic consciousness patterns within the duality 
  10. is predestined for the heart opening
  11. achieved in the heart chakra, wonderful effects and healing achievements
  12. stands for spiritual rebirth

The 24 facets phi crystal is particularly suitable for energetic healers to harmonize the heart chakra and bring it back into harmony and to open it wide, respectively, completely. The 24 facets phi crystal can also be used excellently for transformation efforts. He is only suitable for energetic people and healers.


It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects. The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.


All phi crystals carry the general attributes of clear and natural quartz:

  1. they can strengthen and focus energies 
  2. they can receive and transmit
  3. they can store and restore
  4. they transform or refine light waves
  5. they transmit thought-vibrations
  6. they combine vibrations
  7. they send out a vibration field

In fact, all the phi crystals reinforce these properties.


Although the clarity of the phi-crystals is highly prized, Dr. Marcel Vogel and his assistants found that phi-crystals did not have to be completely clear to be effective. In some cases phi-crystals with some internal clouding, occlusions etc. may be more powerful than completely clear phi-crystals. Note editorial C. Metje: We were able to determine (feel) this already energetically. Phi-Crystals which are not completely optically clear should not be disregarded; they may have important qualities of their own intrinsic to the Vogel Phi-Crystal. Phi crystals with inclusions may carry e.g. Kundalini energies or the energies of Thor, which are not so generated by a very clear Phi crystal. Every phi-crystal is an individual being, with its own intrinsic energy nature. Uniquely beautiful, which creates special phantoms and / or inclusions for miraculous energies. Therefore, inclusions and phantoms have a very deep meaning.


Data sheet

The Vogel Quartz crystals are natural products and therefore every enclosed and cutted Phi crystal is unique! Inclusions, small notches, fissures and color impurities are natural and normal.
Phi Crystal Type
Quartz Crystal
Smoky Quartz
Phi Crystal Lucidity
*** more than 60 % pure. Very clear with phantoms and or inclusions
Extra Charge
Full Moon 2020-04-08 Pink Moon
Number of Facets
- Earth healing and grounding - deep cleaning at all levels - Harmonizing on mental, emotional and physical level - balancing disharmony e.g. male / female
- Extraction Phi Crystal
- Heart opener
- energetic interventions on all levels
Supplier and manufacturer
Donghai Crystal Market - Qian Chunming - Lian Yun Gang City - Jiang Su - China