13 Facets
13 Facet Phi Crystal
Description by author La Vie.
In harmony with the energies
When we work with the 13 Facet Phi Crystal, our energies dance tango in it and leave our mark. To unite the energies of the past, the present and the future, which are intended for us tomorrow, to balance and bring them into equilibrium. It helps our soul to come into harmony and to unite everything that was, what is and will be in a healthy way. For an existence of perfection. Completely liberated to glide into the future with serenity.
Author La Vie
The 13 facet phi crystal carries all the features of the 12 facet phi crystal and in addition the following:
- in meditation it connects with earlier lives- - stands for change and liberation
- - represents the sacred feminine
- - stands for extraction efforts.
- The 13 facet phi crystal is a wonderful tool for energetic healers in applying the mentioned attributes.
The 13 facet phi crystal is predestined for extraction. The 13 facet phi crystal is suitable for people and users who have been studying phi crystals for some time and have gained experience with quartz and phi crystals so that they are able to achieve synergy with them.
Source: Phi Crystal User Manual, Page 169