Maha Cohan Pyramids 4-sided
4 Maha Cohan Pyramids
- Within a few days, the 4 Maha Cohan pyramids build up a protective energy field in the form of a very large energetic light pyramid. In this way, a high-vibrating, pure and clear pyramid space is created in which we can appear simpler and more relaxed. At the moment they are a very simple and effective way for us humans to protect ourselves energetically from external energies and frequencies and to increase our light quotient.
With the installation of the 4 Maha Cohan pyramids, a feel-good atmosphere is created, an oasis of high-vibrational light, since unhelpful and low-vibrating energies are reflected, which would normally hit us energetically from the outside. In this way we can achieve a high light quotient within the 4 Maha Cohan pyramids much more easily and also keep it at a high level. We get faster into our heart feelings and perceive everything that has a vibration. Above all, what vibration we have ourselves. If we are within the energetic protection of the 4 Maha Cohan pyramids, our unhelpful thoughts that are still working in us are also reflected to us. It is possible that, especially at the beginning, we are presented with a great many unhelpful thoughts that require harmony. Here we can trust and learn to accept our thoughts lovingly in order to recognize that they reflect our own challenges. These are shown to us as long as we carry them within us.
Influence on existing Maha Cohan pyramids
- If we add 4 rose quartz pyramids to the 4 Maha Cohan pyramids, an even gentler and more loving energy is created, which resonates with our heart and expresses our empathy and self-love.
Children's Heart Inania Phi Light Pyramid
- The Children's Heart Inania Phi Light Pyramid is the small version of the Inania Phi Light Pyramid. She is formed from 4 Maha Cohan and 4 Rose Quartz Phi pyramids. After we have set up the phi pyramids, the 8 energy streams of the individual Maha Cohan and rose quartz phi pyramids combine to form a children's heart Inania phi light pyramid. The energy of the children's heart Inania has a very subtle and gentle energetic effect on our hearts. We and our children can more easily perceive emerging heart feelings in order to express them honestly and authentically.