Vogel Cut

Phi Crystals

All crystals you can purchase from us are real and natural rock crystals.

Vogel Cut Crystals carry an energy called Phi. This is emitted by the Vogel Cut rock crystals and can create a higher vibration in synergy with human chi. Once coherence is achieved, miracles are possible.

We have following Vogel Cut Phi Crystals:

natural rock crystals
amethyst, ametrine, 
citrine, rose quartz, 
ruby, obsidian, 
heart angel phi crystal with silvery rutiles
angel feather phi crystal with blue rutiles and
smoky quartz Phi crystals

13 Facet Vogel Cut Phi crystals are used worldwide energetically in

transformation and extraction

Companion into a new reality (5th dimension)

Vogel Cut Phi Crystals - Companions into a new reality Phi Crystals User Manual Phi Pyramids Applications and Effects book

A fascinating way to increase our own energies and bring them into harmony is to use several rock crystals, phi crystals, pyramids, Herkimer diamonds, etc. at the same time to harmoniously integrate their energies. The interaction of several rock crystals / phi crystals opens up a wide range of effects and possible applications that can offer us support on our spiritual journey and our inner growth in a variety of ways. Through their synergistic cooperation, several rock crystals / phi crystals unfold a powerful energetic effect, which leads to noticeable results in terms of energy increase and has long-term positive effects on our strength, spiritual power and inner clarity.

Phi Pyramids

Inania Phi Light pyramid

Phi Light Pyramid

Phi Pyramid-Heart-Light-Space

The Inania Phi Light Pyramid is built to achieve and maintain an energetic protective space and a high ambient vibration. This supports and facilitates energetic and creative work and activity.

People who work energetically need a high-vibration and energetically protected space for their work. Who should be free from unhelpful energies.

We can use the Inania Phi light pyramid to build an energetic protective space (home, practice, seminar room, garden, children's room, office, studio, etc.). In this way, a high vibration always surrounds us and we are energetically protected.

The Inania Phi Light Pyramid consists of the following Phi pyramids:

- 4 Maha Cohan Phi pyramids,
- 4 rose quartz phi pyramids
- 4 Har’Atora Phi pyramids

They are placed together in the room.

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