Ruby Sapphire

Vogel Cut Phi Crystals

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  • The Ruby Sapphire 12 Facet Phi Crystal gives vitality and vigor, increases desire and energy, sharpens the mind and promotes concentration. The ruby ​​facilitates access to a higher consciousness and ensures that we can concentrate better. He promotes a courageous attitude and inspires us to stand up for those who are threatened, be they friends or strangers, children or animals.
  • Description by author La Vie

  • The stone of destiny.
  • The ruby, a healing stone with probably the most mystical energy on our planet. He generally exudes life energy, passion and gives strength.
  • A ruby ​​supports us on difficult paths. He works best when working with the root chakra, the ruby ​​can activate and strengthen it easily and simply. So that, through his implied energy after application / use, we enter into security, stability and grounding in our system and feel more vital again.
  • The ruby ​​guards our life and makes us resilient, if we carry him with us we are connected to the inexhaustible source of courage, so that the fire of motivation and will blazes within us. As a result, our self-confidence grows and we can more easily achieve the divinely intended self-determination and live our destiny. In general, we can carry rubies with us.

Ruby Sapphire Vogel Cut Phi Crystals

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