Rose Quartz Pyramid Cuore 4-sided
Rose Quartz Pyramid Cuore 4 Sided
- Rose Quartz Phi Pyramids are heart openers and lovingly bring out our empathic qualities.
Influence on existing Maha Cohan pyramids
- If we add 4 rose quartz pyramids to the 4 Maha Cohan pyramids, an even gentler and more loving energy is created, which resonates with our heart and expresses our empathy and self-love.
Children's Heart Inania Phi Light Pyramid
- The Children's Heart Inania Phi Light Pyramid is the small version of the Inania Phi Light Pyramid. She is formed from 4 Maha Cohan and 4 Rose Quartz Phi pyramids. After we have set up the phi pyramids, the 8 energy streams of the individual Maha Cohan and rose quartz phi pyramids combine to form a children's heart Inania phi light pyramid. The energy of the children's heart Inania has a very subtle and gentle energetic effect on our hearts. We and our children can more easily perceive emerging heart feelings in order to express them honestly and authentically.