Children's Heart Inania Phi Light Pyramid

  • The Children's Heart Inania Phi Light Pyramid is the small version of the Inania Phi Light Pyramid. She is formed from 4 Maha Cohan and 4 Rose Quartz Phi pyramids. After we have set up the phi pyramids, the 8 energy streams of the individual Maha Cohan and rose quartz phi pyramids combine to form a children's heart Inania phi light pyramid. The energy of the children's heart Inania has a very subtle and gentle energetic effect on our hearts. We and our children can more easily perceive emerging heart feelings in order to express them honestly and authentically. The receptivity to love is increased and strengthened by the children's heart Inania Phi light pyramid. The Children's Heart Inania Phi Light Pyramid is particularly suitable for energetically protecting our hearts and small children's hearts from unhelpful energies and external frequencies. The 8 energy streams of the 8 Phi pyramids unite and an energetically high-vibrating protective space is created.
  • The 4 Maha Cohan and 4 Rose Quartz Phi Pyramids are placed in the outer corners of our home, as in the Phi Pyramids book under INANIA.

Inania expansion

  • If we add four Har'Atora Phi pyramids to the children's heart Inania Phi light pyramid, the 'big' Inania Phi light pyramid is created. With the expansion we are additionally guided into self-reflection and very usefully supported in the transformation work or in our energetic work.
  • The 12 energy streams of the 12 Phi pyramids unite and an energetically high-vibrating protective space is created.

Children's Heart Inania Phi Light Pyramid

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