Jasmin Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal
  • Jasmin Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin
  • Vogel Cut Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal Jasmin

Jasmin Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi Crystal


24 facets rose quartz phi crystal.
Description by author La Vie

With the Jasmine 24 facets rose quartz Phi crystal you can fill up with solar energy at any time and come to rest. She is perfect after a stressful and draining time. The Jasmine 24 facets rose quartz phi-crystal helps you to fill your energy storage through the connection with the energies of the spring flower fields in North Holland and to find your way back into harmony. After working with her, which is best done outdoors in nature, you will feel deeply relaxed and secure.

24 Facets 
Weight ca. 149 g 
Length ca. 115 mm 
Diameter ca. 24 - 30 mm

In stock. You will will get exactly this rose quartz phi crystal shown here.

Rose Quartz 24 Facet Phi-Crystal Jasmin

This rose quartz phi crystal is named Jasmin and is beautiful in shape. Unique and beautiful her energies. Well suited for healers with normal hands and fingers. This double-terminated rose quartz Phi-Crystal Rosario with 24 facets / sides is cleaned and charged and can be used immediately. You get exactly this Phi Crystal, as pictured.

24 facets phi crystal

The 24 facets phi crystal is a wonderful heart opener. With 24 facets, twice as much light energy flows through the phi crystal as through a 12 facets phi crystal. The 24 facets phi crystal has the same attributes as the 12 facets phi crystal and the following:

  1. works on the level of human nature
  2. 12 initializes the awakening of man on the material and conscious levels
  3. stands for strength
  4. stands for will
  5. stands for endurance
  6. stands for transformation
  7. strengthens the desire for understanding
  8. activates and harmonizes the 12 DNA strands
  9. accesses the 12 electromagnetic consciousness patterns within the duality
  10. is predestined for the heart opening
  11. achieved in the heart chakra, wonderful effects and healing achievements
  12. activates and harmonizes the 24 DNA strands
  13. stands for spiritual rebirth

Rose-Quartz Phi Crystals 

Rose quartz is an important protection against radiation and stone for love. Rose quartz is a particularly important healing stone for the heart. This model gives you sensitivity and romance. He is the stone for the lovers, because it lets longings and desires are awakened. In particular, the susceptibility to love is strengthened by the rose quartz.
By meditating with rose quartz he gives love and brings balance. It even allows the improvement psychological wounds.


It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects. The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.

1 Item

Data sheet

Rose Vogel Cut Phi Crystal
Phi Crystal Type
Rose Quartz
Number of Facets
Weight in g approx.
Length in mm approx.
Diameter in mm approx.
- Earth healing and grounding
- Harmonizing on mental, emotional and physical level
- Heart opener
- balancing disharmony e.g. male / female
- deep cleaning at all levels
Supplier and manufacturer
Donghai Crystal Market - Qian Chunming - Lian Yun Gang City - Jiang Su - China