In harmony with the energies. When we work with the 13 Facet Phi Crystal, our energies dance tango in it and leave our mark. To unite the energies of the past, the present and the future, which are intended for us tomorrow, to balance and bring them into equilibrium. It helps our soul to come into harmony and to unite everything that was, what is and will be in a healthy way. For an existence of perfection. Completely liberated to glide into the future with serenity.
Author La Vie
13 Facets
Weight ca. 96 g
Length ca. 130 mm
Diameter ca. 14 - 26 mm
The name of this phi crystal is Adama (High Priest from Lemuria). He is a beautiful phi crystal in his shape and radiance. The 13 facet Phi crystal is very, very clear and carries a small invisible blue rutile (angel feathers) that can be seen in the pictures and videos. This 13 facet double-terminated phi crystal is purified and charged ready to use. You will receive exactly this phi crystal shown here.
The 13 facet phi crystal carries all the features of the 12 facets phi crystal and in addition the following:
The 12 facet phi crystal bears the following attributes:
Many phi crystals have so-called blue rutile (these inclusions are usually invisible). These can often only be made visible with artificial light. We also call the blue rutile angel feathers, hence the name. These blue rutiles make an Angel Feather Phi Crystal special and generate additional divine energies.
The Angel Feather Phi Crystals can be recognized by their blue rutile. They are powerful energetic tools with a mystical connection. They connect with the source energies of the Inca temples and their original inhabitants in the 15th century. These Angel Feather Phi Crystals are able to replenish light and correct imperfections in system energies or stuck energies in energetic energy fields that are not of divine origin. They assist advanced practitioners in fundamentally clearing and purifying their energetic systems, allowing us to move into higher vibrational frequencies. The Angel Feather Phi Crystal is particularly effective at finding "blind spots" that cannot be identified or addressed with traditional spiritual tools. ...
It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects. The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.
All phi crystals carry the general attributes of clear and natural quartz:
In fact, all the phi crystals reinforce these properties.
Data sheet