Adriana 8 Gate Phi Crystal
  • Adriana 8 Gate Phi Crystal

Adriana 8 Gate Phi Crystal

8 Gates
13 - 8 - 21 Facets
Weight ca. 171 g 
Length ca. 125 mm
Diameter ca. 22 - 33 mm


Adriana 8 Gate Phi Crystal with blue rutile

13-8-21 Facet Phi Crystal– Double Terminated

The name of this Phi Crystal is Adriana. It is a very clear phi crystal with a few small inclusions and blue rutile. This 8 Gate Phi Crystal with 13-8-21 facets is cleaned and charged and ready for use. You get exactly this Phi Crystal, as pictured.

8 Gate Phi Crystal

Specially designed by the author of User Manual Phi Crystals, this 13-8-21 phi crystal with 8 gates makes patterns visible so you can recognise them and work on them. It has its name because of its angelic being. Like an angel, it stands by your side and helps you to break through into the new becoming, as long as you are ready and mature for it.
Additionally, if you have a correspondingly high light quotient, it converts and transforms everything that is not helpful into light and love. With movements of the Golden Spiral (Fibonacci Spirals) you can create a breakthrough into the new becoming of what is ready to become new with this angel phi crystal.

Attributes of the 13-8-21 phi crystal with 8 gates:

  1. stands for health, breakthrough, change and transformation
  2. shows you reflections of yourself that you are about to repent and forgive in the moment
  3. makes the bigger picture to serve visible
  4. makes harmony and the divine order visible
  5. shows you that there is nothing that has just come into existence like that, but rather, that everything is planned precisely, and helps you to recognise this
  6. shows you that everything is tuned to the finest in divine order, and nothing happens by chance.

With movements of the Golden Spiral (Fibonacci Spirals) you create with this angel phi crystal a breakthrough into the new becoming of what is ready to become new.


Figure 45 Golden Spiral


The gates phi crystals are only suitable for experienced users and energetic people and healers. It is so that each crystal that is made of natural quartz is unique in itself.
Some types of quartz, such as smoky and rutile quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each phi crystal will carry additional and specialized aspects. The user has to test every single phi crystal in order to get to know its characteristics. Water-clear quartz is different from a phi crystal with inclusions.
The Phi crystals are natural products and therefore every Phi crystal offered here is unique! Inclusions, small notches, fine cracks and color imperfections are natural and completely normal.

13 facet phi crystal

The 13 facets phi crystal carries all the features of the 12 facets phi crystal and in addition the following:

  1. in meditation he connects with earlier lives
  2. stands for change and liberation
  3. represents the sacred feminine
  4. stands for extraction effortsThe 13 facets phi crystal is a wonderful tool for energetic healers in applying the mentioned attributes.
  5. The 13 facets phi crystal is predestined for extraction.

21 Facet Phi crystal

21 Facet Phi crystals are used to fix problems on Family Level

General attributes

All Phi crystals carry the general attributes of clear and natural quartz. They can:

  1. Amplify energies
  2. Focus energies
  3. receive and send
  4. save and restore
  5. Transform or refine light waves
  6. Transmitting Thought Frequencies
  7. Merge vibrations
  8. emit a vibrational field

These properties are reflected by all Phi crystals.


Data sheet

The Vogel Quartz crystals are natural products and therefore every enclosed and cutted Phi crystal is unique! Inclusions, small notches, fissures and color impurities are natural and normal.
Phi Crystal Type
Quartz Crystal
Phi Crystal Lucidity
***** more than 90 % pure. Very clear with a few tiny inclusions/phantoms
Number of Facets
Number of Gates
Weight in g approx.
Length in mm approx.
Diameter in mm approx.
22 - 33
- Earth healing and grounding - deep cleaning at all levels - Harmonizing on mental, emotional and physical level - balancing disharmony e.g. male / female
Supplier and manufacturer
Donghai Crystal Market - Qian Chunming - Lian Yun Gang City - Jiang Su - China