It is not always easy to stand by your own values and your own philosophy of life with steadfastness. If our own system of values is still afflicted with the smallest irregularities, then it can happen that the outside tries to let foreign daemons dock onto us right there. Often without us being able to recognize and see this immediately. The Arachne 24 facets Phi crystal is connected to the clarity of the mountain lakes in Austria and helps us to recognize attacks on our value system and the associated imbalances in our energy system, so that we can act accordingly and thus automatically harmonize our system. Arachne is a divine gift for the spiritual development of everyone. This Arachne 24 Facet Phi Crystal should surround us every day and be placed in the rooms where we spend most of our time. It is also advisable to clean the Arachne 24 Facet Phi Crystal once a week under running water.
Author La Vie
24 Facets
Weight ca. 258 g
Length ca. 125 mm
Diameter ca. 28 - 42 mm
Clear cutted 24 facet phi crystal - double terminated
The Phi Crystal is named Arachne. The Phi Crystal is a very clear and pure quartz crystal, which bears a few very nice, visible inclusions (see photos).
It is a beautiful and energetically clear Phi Crystal in his charisma and shape. This double terminated Phi crystal with 24 facets is cleaned and charged and ready for use. You get exactly this Phi Crystal, as pictured.
A + 250g phi crystal offers people a unique, energetic and crystalline protection and a much easier energetic working. An already existing smaller Phi crystal can connect creatively, simply and easily with him immediately by transferring the very powerful energies of the + 250g Phi crystal into the smaller Phi crystal.
The + 250g Phi crystal offers energy protection where it is placed. It is placed in an energetically clean place in the apartment. The energies of the + 250g Phi crystal build up completely within approx. 30 days. This period of time is required for each Phi crystal in order to adjust to the energies of its user and its environment and to achieve synergy with it. As soon as synergy is achieved with the + 250g Phi crystal, the work can begin with it or with an already existing smaller Phi crystal.
The user attunes himself mentally to the + 250g Phi crystal and can work with him or with an already existing smaller Phi crystal himself or a client. This makes working on a client with a smaller phi crystal easier and simpler. The + 250g Phi crystal does not have to be taken, since its energies are transferred into an existing Phi crystal.
Every + 250g Phi crystal we offer has been energetically "tested" for its effectiveness, so that the effectiveness is hereby confirmed or perceived sensitively by us. The + 250g Phi crystal achieves its protective effect by carrying a certain percentage of inclusions and or phantoms.
Extraction is a shamanic healing treatment that refers to the physical plane.
Shamanic extraction means an energetic cleaning of the client's energy body by sucking out tug, Intimidate or other shamanic activities. The offered Phi Crystals are excellent for the extraction of shamans. It is very important to note in this context that not everyone is able to perform a shamanic healing session for yourself.
Phi Crystals integrate the profound energies of clear quartz with sacred geometry 12 through 144 facets of the extraction wand. The extraction wand is ideally suited for work in healing, manifestation, meditation and extraction. The wider, larger end of the Phi Crystal extraction wand is the female receptive end. Phi Crystal extraction wands are exquisite and extraordinary instruments for energy work, are very energetic and provide an intense concentration and amplification of focused energy. These are very delicate and very elegant instruments.
Phi crystals have been around since 2009. They were discovered by Dr. Marcel Vogel. The traditional guidelines of a shamanic training, how clear, big and long a clear quartz crystal double-terminated should be, only apply to naturally occurring and uncutted quartz crystal double-terminated. These are not necessarily applicable for Phi crystals, because a Phi crystal bundles and concentrates the energy much higher and more powerful than a normal and uncutted quartz crystal. For this reason, smaller inclusions and opacities in Phi crystals are more useful to weaken these very high energies a little.
Inclusions and phantoms have a very deep meaning and are of great importance. Although the clarity of natural quartz crystal phi crystals is highly valued, we have found that they do not have to be completely clear to be effective. This is the reason why only + 250g Phi crystals with inner cloudiness, inclusions and or phantoms are used. These carry very powerful and important properties and energies, which they filter and radiate in a divine way.
They let the incoming light energies swirl in such a way that the light vibrations are changed, braked and filtered, unlike with very clear Phi crystals. In this way, they emit a more intense field of light energies, which cannot be generated by very clear Phi crystals.
Each Phi crystal is an individual very divine being with its own crystalline consciousness. As we have now recognized, everyone is in their own individual maturity, plays their own role and is at the level of development they have chosen themselves.
This is the reason why an individual adjustment and a so-called fine tuning of the light energies is required. So that we can work at our own speed and spiritual development on the way to our heart. In turn, it clarifies why Phi crystals have to contain inclusions and or phantoms. Only in this way can the divine and very high vibrations of light be filtered and slowed down in order to match each of us personally and individually.
The 24 facet phi crystal is a wonderful heart opener. With 24 facets, twice as much light energy flows through the phi crystal as through a 12 facet phi crystal. The 24 facet phi crystal has the same attributes as the 12 facet phi crystal and the following:
The 24 facet phi crystal is particularly suitable for energetic healers to harmonize the heart chakra and bring it back into harmony and to open it wide, respectively, completely. The 24 facets phi crystal can also be used excellently for transformation efforts. He is only suitable for energetic people and healers.
24 Facet Phi Crystal.
Description by Author La Vie
To the point. Acting and acting precisely without losing time, guided by the inner voice (heart), this crystal is energetically connected to the energy pathways of the monasteries in Tibet. He helps to build trust in himself and supports us in connecting with the wisdom of the entire cosmos in order to be able to act in a divine manner.
It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects.
The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.
All phi crystals carry the general attributes of clear and natural quartz:
In fact, all the phi crystals reinforce these properties.
Data sheet