12 Facets
Weight ca. 136 g
Length ca. 130 mm
Diameter ca. 17 - 30 mm
The Phi Crystal Sofeiron is the perfect crystal to fine-tune you down to the smallest detail. He is intended for people who are already firmly anchored in their interior and rest in their midst, but who tend to fall out of their midst when the collective energies are too strong and then act too carelessly. The Phi Crystal Sofeiron is connected with the energy threads of angelic beings of light, who help us with their energies to act tenderly and gently from our inner wisdom and power.
Autorin La Vie
The name of this Phi Crystal is Sofeiron. He is with 136 g a normal Phi Crystal and very delicate and subtle in his shape and appearance. He has no visible inclusions and is a very clear Phi Crystal, as can be seen in the pictures and videos. This double terminated Phi Crystal with 12 facets is cleaned and charged and ready for use. You get exactly this Phi Crystal, as pictured.
The 12 facet phi crystal bears the following attributes:
It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects.
The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.
The 12 facet phi crystal brings absolute clarity to our life, without blocking out emotions, but to be able to recognize us very clearly.
For this, the phi crystal with the heavenly twelve facets exists, so that, with its full range of facets, we can finally live in us and enjoy our essence. Combined with the flowing water of the Iguazú waterfalls in Brazil, a special energy of purity flows through us when we work with him.
Autorin La Vie
In fact, all the phi crystals reinforce these properties.
Data sheet