Athame 33 Facet Phi Crystal with Phantoms
  • Athame 33 Facet Phi Crystal with Phantoms

Athame 33 Facetten Phi-Kristall mit Phantomen

Athame Phi crystal. Description by author La Vie

With the Phi Crystal Athame you can breathe deeply and recharge your batteries in peace. To do this, simply point Athame in the open air with the narrower tip towards the sky. Enclose the Phi Crystal Athame with your right hand and let the energies flow into you while breathing slowly and continuously. It shouldn't be less than 30 breaths. She gives you courage and joie de vivre. The Phi Crystal Athame is connected to the shallow waves of the North Pacific.
Author La Vie

33 Facets
Weight ca. 149 g 
Length ca. 131 mm
Diameter ca. 21 - 31 mm


Athame 33 Facet Phi Crystal with Phantoms


This beautiful, long 33 facet Phi crystal called Athame is very unique due to its phantom inclusions and therefore carries fantastic energies. The 33 facets phi crystal works at the level of human nature. He brings in the desire for unconditional love. The 33 facets phi crystal has the following properties:

  1. clarity
  2. compassion
  3. understanding of the unity of humanity
  4. clarification on obstacles on the spiritual path
  5. tap the 5th dimension
  6. prepares for the 33 new chakras

He is only suitable for energetic people and healers. This double terminated healing wand Phi crystal with 33 facets is cleaned and charged and can be used immediately.
You will get exactly this pictured Phi Crystal.


It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects.
The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.

33 Facet Phi Crystal. Description by author La Vie

Creating connections that do good and pursue the same goals. Find like-minded people to enjoy life and not get lost in the haze of resentment. The 33 Facet Phi Crystal helps us to push dark clouds aside and to see them clearly in order to find like-minded people or to be found by us, everything that strives for and animates something good. A very powerful phi crystal that simply pushes foreign energies aside. Connected to the source of the Big Bang. It is suitable for energy work with just one person. Because he connects with it like an avatar.
Autorin La Vie


All phi crystals carry the general attributes of clear and natural quartz:
  1. they can strengthen and focus energies
  2. they can receive and transmit
  3. they can store and restore
  4. they transform or refine light waves
  5. they transmit thought-vibrations
  6. they combine vibrations
  7. they send out a vibration field
In fact, all the phi crystals reinforce these properties.



Data sheet

The Vogel Quartz crystals are natural products and therefore every enclosed and cutted Phi crystal is unique! Inclusions, small notches, fissures and color impurities are natural and normal.
Phi Crystal Type
Quartz Crystal
Phi Crystal Lucidity
**** more than 80 % pure. Very clear with phantom(s)
Extra Charge
Deep Cleaning Energy
Full Moon 2020-04-08 Pink Moon
Number of Facets
- Earth healing and grounding - deep cleaning at all levels - Harmonizing on mental, emotional and physical level - balancing disharmony e.g. male / female
Use for
- receiving and sending messages and channeling
Supplier and manufacturer
Donghai Crystal Market - Qian Chunming - Lian Yun Gang City - Jiang Su - China