24 Facets
Weight ca. 101 g
Length ca. 101 mm
Diameter ca. 20 - 30 mm
Cutted 24 Facets Ametrine - Phi-Cristal
The name of this beautiful Ametrin Phi crystal is Stargate, he is a very powerful stargate opener and radiate energy unmistakably around it from. Ametrine Phi Crystal Stargate is 101 g, a large and very beautiful Phi Crystal in its shape and appearance.
This double terminated healing wand Ametrine Phi crystal with 24 facets is cleaned and charged and ready for use.
You get exactly this Phi Crystal, as pictured.
The Ametrine is attributed to a particularly gentle and balancing effect on the soul. He gives the user a harmonious balance and brings inner contradictions in harmony.
It is attributed to the zodiac sign of Libra and Virgo With its balancing effect.
Ametrine is a two-colored quartz of silicon with traces of aluminum and iron.
He holds two strong stones to the violet amethyst and yellow-brown Citrine. By a freak of nature, these two quartz gemstones were united in Ametrine. Thereby he also received his name because Ametrine is a derivative of amethyst and citrine.
The 24 facets phi crystal is a wonderful heart opener. With 24 facets, twice as much light energy flows through the phi crystal as through a 12 facets phi crystal. The 24 facets phi crystal has the same attributes as the 12 facets phi crystal and the following:
The 24 facets phi crystal is particularly suitable for energetic healers to harmonize the heart chakra and bring it back into harmony and to open it wide, respectively, completely. The 24 facets phi crystal can also be used excellently for transformation efforts. He is only suitable for energetic people and healers.
It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects. The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.
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