12 Facets
Weight ca. 67 g
Length ca. 95 mm
Diameter ca. 18 - 25 mm
The name of this Phi crystal is Antimonius, it is a clarifying, powerful and clean energy.
The Phi Crystal Antimonius has a flat, energetic and visible Phantom inclusion, as can be seen in the pictures and the video.
Exercise - clean the lower chakras and clarify:
I hold the Phi Crystal Antimonius in my dominant hand with a finger on the phantom including touching (see exercise room energize) and let the Phi Crystal Antimonius the root chakra with the Infinity Eight up swing into the heart chakra. The center of the Infinity Eight is located in the solar plexus.
This exercise combines the lower chakras with the heart chakra, purifies and clarifies it, so that they find to their original energy back. There will be a harmonization between the heart chakra and the lower chakras. I repeat this exercise 3-5 times until the energy subside.
A fantastic Phi Crystal, this Antimonius which is ideal for the cleaning and purification of the lower chakras.He is with 67 g a middle Phi Crystal and very graceful and delicate in its shape and appearance. This double terminated healing wand Phi crystal with 12 facets is cleaned and charged and ready for use. You get exactly this Phi Crystal, as pictured.
The 12 facets phi crystal bears the following attributes:
It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects.
The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.
In fact, all the phi crystals reinforce these properties.
Data sheet