Blue Rutilated and Double Phantom
8 Gates
13 - 8 - 21 Facets
Weight ca. 148 g
Length ca. 104 mm
Diameter ca. 24 - 36 mm
The Angel Feather Phi Crystals can be recognized by their blue rutile. They are powerful energetic tools with a mystical connection. They connect with the source energies of the Inca temples and their original inhabitants in the 15th century. These Angel Feather Phi Crystals are able to replenish light and correct imperfections in system energies or stuck energies in energetic energy fields that are not of divine origin. They assist advanced practitioners in fundamentally clearing and purifying their energetic systems, allowing us to move into higher vibrational frequencies. The Angel Feather Phi Crystal is particularly effective at finding "blind spots" that cannot be identified or addressed with traditional spiritual tools. ...
8 gates phi crystal– Double Terminated Vogel Cut
The name of this Angel Feather Phi Crystal is Melek, and he wears beautiful tiny blue rutiles that are only visible under artificial light, and a double phantom inclusion (see pictures) that makes him very unique..
Specially designed by the author of User Manual Phi Crystals, this 13-8-21 phi crystal with 8 gates makes patterns visible so you can recognize them and work on them. He has his name because of his angelic being. Like an angel he stands by your side and helps you to break through into the new becoming, as long as you are ready and mature for it. And, if you have a correspondingly high light quotient, it converts and transforms everything that is not helpful into light and love. With movements of the Golden Spiral (Fibonacci Spirals) you create with this angel phi crystal a breakthrough into the new becoming of what is ready to become new.
This double terminated healing wand Phi crystal with 13-8-21 facets is cleaned and charged and ready for use. The gates phi crystals are only suitable for experienced users and energetic people and healers.
You get exactly this Phi Crystal, as pictured.
Figure 45 Golden Spiral
The 13 facets phi crystal carries all the features of the 12 facets phi crystal and in addition the following:
21 Facet Phi crystals are used to fix problems on Family Level
It is so that each crystal, which is formed of natural quartz itself is unique. Some types of quartz, such as smoke and rutile, quartz, will have additional properties. In fact, each piece will carry additional and specialized aspects. The user must take each sample to know its characteristics. Water clear quartz is different from quartz with inclusions.
All phi crystals carry the general attributes of clear and natural quartz:
In fact, all the phi crystals reinforce these properties.<
Data sheet