
Phi Crystals - Vogel Cut Crystals

  • All crystals you can purchase from us are real and natural rock crystals.

  • Vogel Cut Crystals carry an energy called Phi. This is emitted by the Vogel Cut rock crystals and can create a higher vibration in synergy with human chi. Once coherence is achieved, miracles are possible.

  • Choose which Lucidity / clarity you would like to have

  • 99% >90%

Extraction Crystals

  • A fascinating way to increase our own energies and bring them into harmony is to use several rock crystals, phi crystals, pyramids, Herkimer diamonds, etc. at the same time to harmoniously integrate their energies. The interaction of several rock crystals / phi crystals opens up a wide range of effects and possible applications that can offer us support on our spiritual journey and our inner growth in a variety of ways. Through their synergistic cooperation, several rock crystals / phi crystals unfold a powerful energetic effect, which leads to noticeable results in terms of energy increase and has long-term positive effects on our strength, spiritual power and inner clarity.

Vogel Cut Products - Phi Crystals


  • Books

    Carsten Metje

    Pioneer and developer of energetic work and healing with phi crystals.

    • After a serious car accident in 2002, it took him a while to find his way back to life. Various rehabilitation programs and his painting helped him. He only found holistic healing when he encountered the phi crystals in 2012 and began to work with them in silence. He began to meticulously study and document the effects that emerged. To this day, he works with them purely intuitively. He studied the modes of action and the vibrations that appeared. He perfected the handling and use of phi crystals. So he has now created a really detailed user manual from all his knowledge and experience.

    • Through painful experiences, Carsten Metje has learned that many things he previously believed in have little to do with true reality. He was able to realize that it was love that could heal everything in him. He felt and perceived more about things that have little to do with the human 3D matrix and duality. He was consciously able to experience how his body transformed into a kind of subtle cloud in which he could no longer physically feel his body. He perceived himself in a completely different way and felt different energies flowing through him.

    • People with mediumship told him that they were angels. His belief in self-healing was strengthened by this experience and he now wants to share his knowledge about the path of self-healing with his readers. People who are interested in self-healing and self-discovery receive interesting books with exercises from Carsten Metje that are very valuable if you want to recognize the 3D matrix and duality in your own life, to learn to stop being polarized by it. His books are aimed primarily at spiritually inclined people who are ready and open to more knowledge.

    Phi-Crystals-User Manual

    Phi Crystals User manual

    Please click on the cover and order in bookshops, thank you!

    • Carsten Metje, pioneer and developer in energetic work and healing with phi crystals. After a serious car accident in 2002 when he was still a manager, it took him a while to get back to life. Various rehabilitation programs and his abstract painting helped him. However, he only found holistic healing when he came into contact with phi crystals in 2013 and silently began to work with them. He began to meticulously study and document the effects that were revealed to him. He works, until today, purely intuitively with them. He studied the most varied modes of action and the vibrations that were revealed to him. Over the years, phi crystals became, without him even noticing, his professorship and they are now almost indispensable in his life. He has perfected the handling and use of them. Thus, he has now created a truly detailed and structured user manual from all his knowledge and experiences. He likes to pass on this knowledge to help people heal with phi crystals or to use phi crystals for many more applications. Many energetic insights and moments of happiness are guaranteed with this user manual.

    order via amazon.

    Rock Crystals Companions into a new Reality

    Rock Crystals Companions into a new Reality

    Please click on the cover and order in bookshops, thank you!

    • A fascinating way to increase our own energies and bring them into harmony is to use several rock crystals, Vogel cut phi crystals, pyramids, Herkimer diamonds, etc., at the same time to harmoniously integrate their energies. The interaction of several rock crystals / phi crystals opens up a wide range of effects and possible applications that can offer us support on our spiritual journey and our inner growth in a diverse and holistic way. Through their synergistic cooperation, several rock crystals / phi crystals unfold a powerful energetic effect, which leads to noticeable results in terms of energy increase and has long-term positive effects on our strength, spiritual power and inner clarity.

    order via amazon.

    Phi Pyramids - Applications and Effects

    Phi Pyramids Allpications and Effects

    Please click on the cover and order in bookshops, thank you!

    • Carsten Metje found his calling working with phi crystals in 2012 and he devotes a lot of love to them every day. Over the years, a unique variety of Phi crystals and Phi pyramids have emerged. In this book, Carsten Metje passes on his findings about Phi pyramids and addresses applications and effects so that as many people as possible have access to the energetic world of Phi pyramids. For lovers of natural rock crystals, this book is a pure pleasure to help you realize how luminous Phi pyramids are. There is hardly anything more beautiful than using such unique instruments as the Phi Pyramids to bring healing and peace to ourselves and the world in a wonderful way.
      Autorin La Vie

    • People who work energetically need a high-vibration and energetically protected space for their work. This should be free of unnecessary energies. The Phi Pyramids, the Heart Diamond Healing Grotto and the Inania Phi Light Pyramid create an energetic protective space. This makes it easier to work energetically and creatively (office, studio, seminar room, doctor's office, home, garden, etc.). They support us in self-reflection, transformation, extraction and creative processes..


  • Extraction

    Vogel Cut Extraction - Phi Crystal

    All crystals you can purchase from us are real and natural rock crystals.

    • Choose which Lucidity / clarity you would like to have

    •   99% >90%

    • All Vogel Cut Crystals - Phi Crystals listed here are predestined for extraction.

    • Vogel Cut Crystals carry an energy called Phi. This is emitted by the Vogel Cut rock crystals and can create a higher vibration in synergy with human chi. Once coherence is achieved, miracles are possible.

    Solana Phi Crystal Vogel Cut

    • The Solana 12 Facet Phi Crystals have the ability to radiate healing energies like a sun. They radiate this solar energy out of the flat surface of the Solana Phi crystal in a cone shape to initiate and set in motion everything that needs healing, purification, transformation and energy uplift. The Solana Phi Crystal is used after successful extraction and distributes its very beneficial energies and frequencies wherever we have extracted energies, so that these empty spaces are refilled with light and love (solar energy). Another property of the Solana Phi crystal is to overwrite everything that is artificially created in the air, for example, with love or to let it decay. We can simply point the Solana Phi crystal at the sky and everything that doesn't "fly around" in the sky will be overwritten with love.

  • Rutile Quartz

    Vogel Cut Rutile Quartz

    Heart Angel Phi Crystal

    There are 12 Facet Phi Crystals that contain silvery or gold colored Rutiles making them unique. We also call the silvery and gold-colored rutile angel hair, the phi crystal itself we call heart angel phi crystal. These silvery or gold-colored rutiles make a heart angel phi crystal special and generate additional divine energies.

    Angel Feather Phi Crystal

    Many phi crystals have so-called blue rutile (these inclusions are usually invisible). These can often only be made visible with artificial light. We also call the blue rutile angel feathers. These blue rutiles make an Angel Feather Phi Crystal special and generate additional divine energies.

    Advanced users in particular should always check whether they contain rutile when buying a phi crystal.

  • Dream Vogel Cut

    Vogel Cut Phi Crystals

    The extended generation of normal Phi Crystals is the fourfold faceting Facet Dream Phi Crystal that can be used for energetic interventions. The innovation fourfold faceting technology developed by us, brings out a completely new emerging and leaking pulsating energy that does not appear in normal Phi Crystals.

    The Facet Dream Phi Crystal ensures that it is charged in the female receiving tip, like a capacitor. He acts like an energetic light-energy-impulse-generator, which emits bundled energetic light-energy-flashes.

    This bundled light-pulse energy can be energetically sent into disharmony of our body. Which, when it has hit the disharmony, spreads around her like an energetic light-energy cloud that can harmonize, dissolve and / or renew all affected cells. This impulse-energy-cloud disintegrates everything that is not useful and renews everything that needs renewal.

  • Crystal Variety

    Vogel Cut Quartz Crystal Variety

  • Grid Set

    Vogel Cut Phi-Crystal Grid Set


    • 1x natural quartz crystal 12 facets
    • 1x natural quartz crystal 24 facets

  • Smoky Quartz

    Vogel Cut Smoky Quartz

Active filters

  • Phi Crystal Lucidity: **** more than 80 % pure. Very clear with inclusions
  • Length in mm approx.: 86
  • Length in mm approx.: 133
  • Availability: In stock