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  • 54 g - 220 g



  • €109.00 - €630.00

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Rutile Quartz

Rutile Quartz

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Phi Crystal Books

Vogel Cut


  • Products

    Phi Crystals - Vogel Cut Crystals

    • All crystals you can purchase from us are real and natural rock crystals.

    • Vogel Cut Crystals carry an energy called Phi. This is emitted by the Vogel Cut rock crystals and can create a higher vibration in synergy with human chi. Once coherence is achieved, miracles are possible.

    • Choose which Lucidity / clarity you would like to have

    • 99% >90%

    Extraction Crystals

    • A fascinating way to increase our own energies and bring them into harmony is to use several rock crystals, phi crystals, pyramids, Herkimer diamonds, etc. at the same time to harmoniously integrate their energies. The interaction of several rock crystals / phi crystals opens up a wide range of effects and possible applications that can offer us support on our spiritual journey and our inner growth in a variety of ways. Through their synergistic cooperation, several rock crystals / phi crystals unfold a powerful energetic effect, which leads to noticeable results in terms of energy increase and has long-term positive effects on our strength, spiritual power and inner clarity.

  • Pyramids

    Phi Pyramid made of natural quartz crystal

    Maha Cohan Pyramids 4 Sided

    The 4 Maha Cohan Phi pyramids build up a protective energy field in the form of a very large energetic light pyramid within a few days. In this way, a high vibrational, pure and clear Phi pyramid space is created by allowing us to appear simpler and more relaxed. The Maha Cohan pyramids are ritual crystals to activate our intuitive power. So that we can freely and without influence put this strength and power into heavenly projects that help our world, when changing into a future full of glories, without materialism. The Maha Cohan pyramids are connected to the original energy of the Andes, which know how to act in a pure and clear way.

    Rose Quartz Pyramid Cuore 4 Sided

    Rose Quartz Cuore Phi pyramids are heart openers. They lovingly bring out our empathetic qualities and our self-love. Rose Quartz is a protective stone connected to the energy pathways of love. It is a particularly energetic healing stone for our heart. Rose quartz stands for sensitivity and romance and can harmonize frequencies (rays) that are not useful. It is the natural crystal for lovers and awakens longings and wishes.
    Cuore comes from Italian and means “heart”.

    Influence on existing Maha Cohan pyramids

    If we add 4 rose quartz pyramids to the 4 Maha Cohan pyramids, an even gentler and more loving energy is created, which resonates with our heart and expresses our empathy and self-love.

    Har’Atora Pyramid 8 Sided

    The Har’Atora quartz crystal phi pyramid is from the island of peace. This phi pyramid is available to us if we strive for holistic healing within ourselves and if we can forgive ourselves and the world. With Har'Atora, a deep cleansing flows through us, as if we were standing under this lukewarm waterfall on this tropical island and didn't want to leave this magical place. 
Everything that happens to us under the waterfall at this moment is too magical and peaceful. We wash every impurity with every water molecule. With the phi pyramid Har’Atora, purifying water energies flow through us from the source. Unnoticed, the hours pass peacefully in harmony in this energy. In her created energy, from the island of peace, we bathe in a feeling of carelessness and can take new steps towards the future without pain.

    Sirius Pyramid 4 Sided 2 Parts

    In this special Sirius pyramid, four powerful energies enter via her tip, crown, in order to be distributed harmoniously. In this way she brings our Yin and Yang into harmony from all sides. 
The Sirius pyramid has her origins in the Nordic regions. Hidden deep under millions of layers of ice, she is connected to the power from the core of our planet Earth. 
With which our good nature, like a divine mixture of wisdom and strength, is balanced. For the protection of the collective, nature and everything loving in the sky tent, the duality is suspended. 
The Sirius Pyramid is there to change our world in love with a special transformation energy from the core of our essence and our existence.

    Metatron Pyramid 8 Sided 2 Parts

    The Metatron pyramid creates
    the unearthly connection and opening to various gates,
    receives and strengthens communication with the origin.
    She has her origin in this hidden,
    magical place of strength
    in the forests of the Amazon,
    where the most powerful sources of power
    in our cosmos intersect.
    Strengthened intuition, wisdom and creativity
    with the knowledge of the universe is given to us with her. With her we get this magical access

    Phi Pyramids - Applications and Effects

    Phi Pyramids Allpications and Effects

    Please click on the cover and order in bookshops, thank you!

    Carsten Metje found his calling working with phi crystals in 2012 and he devotes a lot of love to them every day. Over the years, a unique variety of Phi crystals and Phi pyramids have emerged. In this book, Carsten Metje passes on his findings about Phi pyramids and addresses applications and effects so that as many people as possible have access to the energetic world of Phi pyramids. For lovers of natural rock crystals, this book is a pure pleasure to help you realize how luminous Phi pyramids are. There is hardly anything more beautiful than using such unique instruments as the Phi Pyramids to bring healing and peace to ourselves and the world in a wonderful way.
    Autorin La Vie

  • Facets

    Vogel Cut Facet Phi Crystals

    • Facets are used to express the number of cut sides, on the male, sending tip, crown and the female, receiving tip, base. The greater the number of facets, the more clearly the human electromagnetic field is strengthened and the thought frequency is increased, since a higher faceting enables more light and thus more energy.
  • Gates

    Vogel Cut Gate Phi Crystals

    • The vogel Crystals, phi crystals with portals can be used for very different applications. There are many truths and realities, such as epochs, to choose from. And there are dimensions where life can be explored and experienced. A phi crystal with portals can help you in the moment to experience your self from beyond your everyday life. It enables you to choose a truth instead of having one chosen for you. Experiences with a portal phi crystal beyond the 3rd dimension are best achieved when the desire, creativity, active intelligence and co-responsibility are present. The Phi crystals with portals are very suitable for experienced users and energetic people and healers.
  • Archive

    Phi Crystals that have already found their user and owner.

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  • Length in mm approx.: 62
  • Length in mm approx.: 114
  • Length in mm approx.: 137
  • Length in mm approx.: 138